Tuesday, October 31, 2023

Seb stories.

 I'll try to document interactions I've had with Sebastian as I think of them. Nothing necessarily interesting to anyone else but I cherish them since they were conversations between the two of us.  

I told Seb that I had read that you need to empty out the air compressor when you are done using it. From that point on whenever I didn't empty it he would get on my case about it. I always smiled internally whenever he did that. I guess he liked reversing the roles with me. 

I remember backing out the truck to go somewhere with Seb. I remember him saying something to the like  you should let the vehicle fully shift with the foot on the brake before stepping on the gas... something like that. 

Seb and I went to Lowes so he could get a 55 gallon garbage can from his room and a huge box of garbage bags. He didn't want to be bothered with taking the garbage out on a regular basis I guess. Just when it started to stink. 

When Seb worked at the tire place I bought 2 tires for my truck. His shift was finishing up and he told me what he thought I should do in regards to tires. He patted me on the back encouragingly which was such a strange thing for him to do. Not a thing he would do at home. I realized a few times he had a public persona  which exuded more positivity than what I typically got to see as his father. For some reason I'm not fully sure of  that moment warmed my heart. He had this encouraging way he was around his friends I've learned since we lost him. Learned from his friends. I guess I like to think I saw a glimpse of that in that specific moment. I tell myself stories.

When neighbors would come over and we planned on building a fire in the fire pit. Seb would barge in and take over. It was  a task I enjoyed doing so it would annoy me that he would do it and also infer that he was better at it by telling me how I should do it. I'm sure this is my behavior as a father coming back to bite me. 

Often times when I would tell Seb a story of something that I figured he would find interesting... he would respond with one word: 'Interesting'. I thought that was odd then realized it was something I would say....I realized at some point there were a lot of things in my life that I would do or experience that I was excited to to tell Seb about because I thought he might think it was cool. Sometimes it worked and sometimes it didn't but I guess that is one way I tried to connect with my boys. 

He kept getting these gas additives at work and there was a washer thing in the bottom of the can. He thought it was cool because if he brought the washer back he would get 50 cents. I thought it was odd he thought that was cool considering how little money that was. Didn't seem worth it and I had these washers laying around the garage.

I bought a new pressure washer. Seb was of course enamored by it. When I got it set up in the backyard and started using with it he insisted on taking a stab at it right then and there. I got a kick out of seeing him getting drawn in to the new tool. I had read that it can literally take off the outer layer of the decking and as I watched him applying it to the decking I could see the process of it peeling off all the dirt was feeding something inside of him. Seb's girfriend at the time was there watching him work as well and he probably worked with it for a straight 10 minutes before he stopped which is a long time for Seb. No talking because of how loud the thing was. Just Seb pressure washing and Seb's girlfriend and me just watching him work....

Would sneeze rapidly 3 times and would often say "bless me". 

Side gate pickets. One is snapped off from when Seb was playing with the neighbors. He put the Garbage bins next to the fence and the neighbors and Seb were climbing the gate. We still have one broken picket from this. 

Black paint specs on the side of the house when Seb power washed the black paint off his rims right next to the house.

Power washer and many other things in the garage now have a purple haze because he wanted to spray paint something in the garage rather than outside. He was sure it wouldn't do that. We argued with him. He did it anyway and now we have a purple haze on many things. 

Used to find those little plastic BB's all over the backyard when he and Michael (neighbor) would have airsoft gun battles. 

Used to bring all sorts of things home that he found on the street. 


-old pliers

-car tire (no rim). 

-sticks and rocks (when he was smaller/younger)

Throughout his life was always leaving his stuff places. When he was little, it was his shoes or a sweatshirt at a playground. When he was older it was hoodies at friends houses. His motorcycle helmets were many times left right on the kitchen table. 

He loved fireworks. He would put the snappers underneath the toilets to try to scare us. He loved doing that. He would get all giddy when it worked. I can hear his odd giggle/chuckle in my head.

When he was 19 we Cherity and  I would watch TV in the living room. Seb's bedroom was in the basement and the door faced the living room. He would come up the stairs rapidly and open the door abruptly but also turn his head immediately to avoid conversation (unless he wanted to talk to us about something). 

He ate so much cereal. Our milk is going bad because we don't use as much as we used to. 

I'll add more as I think of them. I can probably walk out to the garage and multiple more will pop in my head and then out back for multiple others.

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