Sunday, October 31, 2010

Cherity has the babe in a sling and is out for a walk. I've been tidying up a bit and the boys went down the street to a friends house. I've been listening to "How it Ends" by Divotchka over and over. Yesterday it was Radical Face's "Welcome Home". I love the video for that because the lead singer is a dopleganger for one of my old Friends Mike. Crazy. Songs great too.

Other than work I've been bouncing on an exercise ball with my arms wrapped around my baby girl. She loves the bouncing and it's an excuse to watch a heck of a lot of football. I'd be sick of it by now but some of the teams I root for have been winning so it's been tolerable. Been watching the world series from the ball as well. Other than that not too much.

Annalivia is easily consolable (unless she's in her car seat). Not to say she doesn't cry... she cries quite often but there's almost always something we can do to calm her down. Typically bouncing.

Cherity decided she wanted to go back to WI for Thanksgiving. The drive will be hell. We're thinking about maybe driving at night since baby girl hates her car seat.

While I'm on the negative train... It's going to be a rough winter in general with a demanding baby girl, shorter days and a father's inability to focus on multiple things. It is better in Denver with the constant sunny days. Even though it's always sunny in Denver the days are still just as short which means driving home from the office in the dark. There just isn't enough hours in the day to think about my soul or what it needs or if what my soul needs is what is most important or important at all. It's been mainly about the little things. Stopping the boys from fighting, shutting the boys up while Annalivia is sleeping, bouncing Annalivia asleep, checking football scores because I don't have much time to do much else in 2 minutes moments of down time. Checking scores is one of those things you can do while your waiting for something. It seems pathetic but I guess I figure (like everyone else does) if I've got down time and internet in my hand why not do something with it... Yeah, that's a lame excuse. I'm in a lull right now but it's for a good cause... right? Time for a little Andrew Bird...

The sun will go down soon and Owen will be a knight and Seb will be a ninja. The baby girl is a package of beatifullness and awesomeness and Cherity is home with her now so I'm going to get my baby fix now... and as usual I'm not going to re-read this post for errors because I don't have time.


Kara Jo said...

Smiling. Liked your post. Your life sounds full, but good. :)

jp said...

It was so cool to read this. Enjoy your full life now -
busy-ness and all - because when you get to where we are.... Well even though dad and I enjoy our lives now I think back on when you guys were home and growing up as the REALLY LIVING time! Your turn now.

(I get a kick out of picturing you and Annilivia bouncing on that ball... esp after seeing Cherity and the wee girl on it through Skype :-) That ball is priceless!

Chad said...

Can you please post pictures? Please, please, please!