Wednesday, October 14, 2009


Got this book from a co-worker. Have read about two-thirds of it. Started out kinda slow but it's pretty good.

Essentially the author, Malcom Gladwell, is explaining why the most succesful people in our society and in past societies weren't successful because they had this unbelievable talent, genius, etc rather it had a lot more to do with there upbringing, unbelievable opportunities made available to them and the year they were born or other exterior variables.

I like it mostly because Gladwell is just a good story teller. The first chapter starts out a little slow but it gets better.

Definitely recommend it. I have a little over 100 pages left to read so I can't speak to the book as a whole yet.


Robin said...

Hey there! I was missing your family so I am glad to see some updates here. I noticed it has been nearly a year since we last blogged. Maybe we'll pick it up again soon. I am using the dell laptop again which is where it is easiest for me to blog with pictures. This cracked screen is a bugger though! If you figure out how to round up enough money to cover new computer for us I'd appreciate that ;)
Say hello to everyone for me and maybe you could be so kind as to give them all hugs for me too. Can't wait to see you guys!!

jp said...
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jp said...
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Jennifer Davis said...

Did you guys get hit with that snow storm I've been hearing about? Do you have any snow photos to share???? =)

Hope you are all well and bundled up and snug!


Aaron said...

Yeah about 15 inches or so. No pictures though. It's almost all melted now. I think it got up to over 60 degrees today so it was somewhat of a mess.