Monday, February 10, 2020


Just finished up with a run and pondering, again, how much time I want to put in to running, whether my body can hold up at my age, etc. I'm signed up for a Ragnar Ultra so that will help with the motivation until June.

There are many thoughts about teenagers, parenting, and spirituality that have challenged me over the last 5-10 years and it's been at a level of reflection that seems too personal to share but as the boys are getting to the final chapter's of their lives living with us I may feel more time is available to reflect or more time needs to be made available. Most of these thoughts have been internalized and some shared with Cherity. Life seems more complicated as your children become adults. Questioning whether there were better ways have caused a sense of anxiety. I am curious how I will feel about all of this in 10 years. I also fear the idea of '10 years out' at my age as that means, myself, and all those that are my age or older will be 10 years older than they are now. Yikes! While in my twenties that thought never even occurred to me. At this point it's more anxiety... Another topic placed in the closet to deal with later. I've been thinking about taking all these articles of my life out of the closet and hold them up to the light to get a look at them. The last 10 years have flown by and reflection is something I haven't done enough of but feel it's about time.   

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